Driving in Scotland - Part 02

by - September 27, 2019

Hi guys, I wanna share with you guys the scenic driving experience while driving in Scottish highlands via the A87 road. This is how it looks like when you're driving from Fort William to Isle of Skye, (but not the place we wanted to go, its different place of Isle of Skype)

The scenic drive from Fort William to there is very beautiful and amazing for me. I will never forget. You should at less visit this place once. We drove from our apartment in Fort William but stop many places for taking a picture and video as well as enjoyed the view. LOL!

The weather in Scotland is unpredictable, sometimes cloudy, sometimes raining and sometimes is clear. Basically, you can get all the weathers in one day. The journey took a whole day from morning to night. Next video, I'll share a video of driving experience from Fort William - Glenfinnan - Dalwhinnie - Edinburgh.

Lagam Dam

Isle of Skye

Lagam Dam

Random building in Glasgow, Scotland

Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Catsle

Car passing by 

Colorful landscape in Scottish highland

Loch Shiel - Glenfinnan 

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